Self-awareness is the bedrock of personal growth and development. It's the tapestry woven from our daily experiences, personal history, cultural influences, education, and parental impact. By understanding these threads and how they color our thoughts and emotions, we gain a profounder understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. This knowledge empowers us to make conscious choices that align with our values and aspirations.
In turn, this self-awareness ripples outward, positively impacting the communities we belong to. By recognizing our own beliefs, values, and perspectives, we can engage more effectively with others, fostering meaningful connections. This paves the way for the creation of healthy communities built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. Conversely, participating in these communities becomes a catalyst for self-discovery and growth, as we encounter diverse perspectives and ways of thinking.
Cultivating self-awareness and actively participating in healthy communities are thus two interconnected aspects of personal growth and social connection. By embracing self-awareness and engaging with others in meaningful ways, we become agents of positive change, impacting both ourselves and the world around us.
Here are some examples of how I actively build relationships within my community:
RESULTS Volunteer Advocating for health and education in the poorest communities. https://results.org/volunteer/
NYC Medical Reserve Corps Mental health first responder within the Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response in New York City. https://www.nycservice.org/
Honorary Citation by the Office of the President State Senator Kevin S. Parker presented an an honorary recognition to Dr. Sahar Khoshakhlagh from the Office of the President of the Borough of Brooklyn for her assistance in the implementation of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) within the behavioral health community. https://www.nysenate.gov/legis...
Rallying for Better Crisis Interventions Spoke at a rally to promote Crisis Intervention Teams to help the NYPD better respond to the “more than 100,000 emotionally distressed person (EDP) calls that they receive annually.” http://www.fountainhouse.org/b...
Certificate of Recognition and Profound Gratitude by John Volpe, Special Advisor DOHMH and Theresa Tobin, Deputy Chief NYPD for supporting the NYPD Crisis Intervention Program, and its mission to train NYC police officers to effectively interact with individuals with behavioral health issues, October 2015
Survivors of Gun Violence: SHOT by Kathy Shorr photographed survivors of gun violence. Her book portrays 101 survivors, aged 8 to 80, from different racial backgrounds and communities within the United States. Most survivors were photographed at the location of violence. Dr. K is one of the 101 survivors. http://www.refinery29.com/2015...
CCIT Press Conference Rallies Support for Passage of Essential Legislation: Sahar joined Senator Parker in support of the legislative bill that would require crisis teams in NYC. https://www.nyaprs.org/e-news-...
Woman Shot By NYPD Pens Letter to Mayor Supporting CCIT: Sahar's interview on ABC here, and her letter to Mayor De Blasio and Commissioner Bratton. https://www.nyaprs.org/e-news-...